Embedding HTML5 game in Wordpress

Hi! How do I embed a game I bought to my site for visitors to play? I’m super new to Wordpress.org and the game’s install instructions are vague. I downloaded FileZilla and uploaded the unzipped game files (favicon, index.html, and SAM folder) to my bluehost FTP, under a new folder called “colorbk2” following this tutorial: https://help.yoyogames.com/hc/en-us/articles/216754008-Uploading-Your-HTML5-Game-To-A-Web-Host. The game seller sent me an iFrame example so I replaced their url in the iFrane with mine and pasted it into Wordpress text editor. My url was my domain followed by /colorbk/index.html . When I tested the iframe example with their url it worked fine, but when I plugged in mine I got an error message. I uploaded it using the Wordpress app on my iPad, but the iPad must not be the problem because I was able to embed the seller’s url fine.

Did I format my FTP url wrong? Do I need to a different iFrame? How would I make one? Am I pasting my text into the wrong place? I’ve done a lot of research on how to embed HTML5 games on Wordpress and I did what people said, but I must be missing a step. Trying to get tech support from the game seller but they’re slow to respond. I also tried using plugins called Game Embed and Simple Embed and Short Coder but maybe I used them wrong.

I’d appreciate any advice or tutorials links. I know some of you must be super experienced with embedding games. Thanks!


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