Hi, I’ve been receiving these emails that prompt me to go to the website and downoad the update for Jevelin theme, but the update is not on My Downloads. I don’t understand if that’s because I’m out of the support timeframe (never used the support anyway) or if there’s something else I’m not getting.
You can use Envato Market plugin to update
envato market purchased item download and update download are free for lifetime. So, to get the latest update you can Go to Downloads page and download from there (Assuming you are loggedin in envato market).
Another way you can use Envato Market WordPress Plugin. This plugin helps customers receive updates to their premium wordpress Themes & Plugins purchased through Envato Market (ThemeForest & CodeCanyon).
Hi Envato-Support,
I’m here with basically the same question as thandie777 (okay I’ll install the ENVATO MARKET WORDPRESS PLUGIN), but could you please also answer the initial question ? …as it is not intuitive where to find the mentioned download from the e-mail within the regular envato-platform.
Here 2 screenshots showing nothing more than ever :
If you click the link ‘Login as … and download this update’. It will take you your download page in enavto market. there you will find all of your purchased items list (like your screenshot) and from there You can download ‘Installable WordPress file only’ (it will be the latest version of installation file) and update manually.
If you download the full download (All files & documentation) zip. Please unzip the main full download (All files & documentation) and then locate the installable plugin zip file within it. Luckily most developers clearly label their files, so it should be pretty easy to find. you have to install that plugin zip.
Otherwise to get auto-update features you can use Envato Market WordPress Plugin. This plugin helps customers receive updates to their premium WordPress Themes & Plugins purchased through Envato Market (ThemeForest & CodeCanyon).
Thank you mgscoder for your answer !
This is the relevant info I and I guess others were looking for.
Merci !
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