Hi Envato
Elements Payment Still Not Received , Please Can You Clarify About This.
Other Authors Also Facing Same Issues ?
same here
same here @BenLeong
it’s pretty common for payouts to be a bit delayed sometimes, but usually, they show up within a few hours. just hang tight, it should be sorted soon
Same. No mail yet
I have received the email, Envato Elements statement available for download but I haven’t received the payment yet.
Same, Elements earning statement just received. But no payout
Same here! Contacted support; waiting for the reply!
I have just got the Elements contributor payment confirmation email.
@theme_land, payoneer or local bank your payout?
I just get payout mail also.
I am Also Received Payment Now, I Hope Everyone Received Too.
me too
Hi all. The email that Tekfen has posted only applies to a small number of authors - Elements December payments were processed on time (Dec 16th) for almost all authors, with a small delay affecting around 1% of the Elements Author group.
If that delay affects your payment for December, you will have received the email shown above.
If you did not receive that email, your December Elements payment will have been sent as normal.
When will we receive the payments in full?
7 posts were split to a new topic: Elements Payout Jan 2025