does my license allow an upgrade?

Hi, I have a wordpress site with x-theme installed and running. Wordpress is up to date, only x-theme is still on version 2.4.0, and the support is expired :-(. I was trying to upgrade the Visual Composer plugin, which broke in the last wp upgrade, and can’t find any info on how to do it.

  • I get a download of x-theme from my dashboard on Envato, but no hint of which version it is?
  • does my (standard) license still allow for upgrade, or would I need to buy x-theme again?
  • any hint on upgrading Visual Composer? Would its latest version be compatible with the old x-theme or would I be forced to upgrade that at the same time?

Your license includes lifetime updates to the theme.

The theme author will need to update the theme and the VC version included in the process

I’d suggest sending the author a message and get clarity on what you need to do and what updates are available including their compatibility