I was able to authenticate my username/license/API Key from the Visual Composer settings tab in Wordpress. However, when I try to update the Visual Composer, it says “Error! Envato API error: Username and/or API Key invalid.” How can I fix this? The problem is somewhat urgent, as it is holding up a client site. Please let me know. Thank you.
Make sure that license isn’t activated in any other website/domain. One license is valid for one domain only.
If you still have problems please get in touch with the author of the plugin, wpbakery.
Hi @Markr822.
What can be happening is that if you’ve bought some theme that already has a built in Visual Composer plugin, you won’t be able to update it by yourself, and you need to contact the theme developer and request for that plugin update for the future.
Best regards.
Hi. If I purchased a theme that has Visual Composer already installed but I also own a regular license for Visual Composer, how can I access the Template Library for license owners?
You don’t get a plugin license with bundled copies.
The author of theme will update the theme and plugins and then you can access those.
I understand that I didn’t get a license for the Visual Composer with the template. However, because the company that I purchased the template from is so difficult to deal with, I went ahead and bought a license for the Visual Composer anyway…in the hopes that I would be able to avoid having to ask the template company for assistance when the VC needs to be updated.
I’ve successfully activated the VC license via the “Product License” tab, but when I try to use the VC on the front or the back end, the page goes into a never-ending cycle of trying to load the VC content but never actually loads to the point where I can use the VC.
I am not sure what to do next. As of now, the VC is unusable. I would appreciate any assistance you could offer.
Assuming you purchased the plugin in he past 6 months I would suggest speaking to the author
That said this sounds like it could be to do with your hosting and/or WP installation - you need to make sure that WP is up to date and that the hosting has the necessary PHP version
Hi @Markr822.
You are having those issues with the plugin, because the version of the plugin is only compatible with themes.Theme Developers offer the plugin as “part” of the theme, and with some custom builds that only work with it. That’s why you are having issues with the use of that plugin version.
Theme developers buy the extended license so they can offer the plugin for end users to use on their projects, but they cannot deliver the whole package, or it would not make sense, because if so, any person who had access to this file could use it for every project he wanted.
And it wouldn’t be profitable for any departments, either is the plugin developer, or the theme developer who provide the use of the plugin.
We all understand your concerns with this, but the only way you have to update the plugin version is to wayt for a theme and plugin update from the theme developers, or you can request this update directly to them, and see if they can manage that for you.
But once more. You probably are unable to use the default version of VC.
Best regards.
This wouldn’t be an issue if as @Markr822 said they have purchased the plugin independently.
More likely is that it is a theme or hosting compatibility issue.
But if the plugin has built in features, the default plugin might not run perfectly with the theme.
This can happen too.
I could well be wrong but thought it would still load ok - just not be able to action certain elements.
Well, it should be… but some elements are only available with some custom changes over the code from the plugin. But you are also right @charlie428,2 as it should suppose to work perfectly with every theme.
I know this because i had had similar issues in past