Documentation: html needed or pdf is enough?

Hello everybody,
envato asked me to improve the documentation of my product linking me two very useful resources: the documenter and a template. The result of both is in html, so I would like to know if I could create a pdf with the same structure of the template instead of a html.
Is the documentation accepted also in pdf?

Thanks everyone and good work!


It can be either; it just has to be useful and comprehensive.

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The both are good. But i provide pdf with F.A.Q’s, Item information, How to use it, Where you can use it and Why this product. It’s faster for me to create beauty PDF document with nice font, styling, alignment and maybe pictures with links if there is any video in youtube. Also contacts and regards. :slight_smile:

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I strongly recommend using The Documenter by Revaxarts for any sort of documentation. It’s absolutely brilliant, gorgeous, easy to use and very user friendly. Cheers! :slight_smile:

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