Do I just need a regular licence?

Hello guys! I wanna get a new theme for a school we’re planning to start. It’s gonna be on line. We’ll use the theme for promotion purposes. You can’t have a company without a page. There won’t be any restricted areas that you can only access after payment. The courses will be given in an external plattform. The link to it will be given through e-mail and will also be available on the page (no payment needed). And as it’s gonna be the main page, we want to know if we can add a payment button, that’s not included in the theme, like pag seguro, for an example (brazilian payment method), so that people can buy directly from the web site/blog. Would all of this be ok with a regular license?

Sure would. You only need an extended license if people need to pay to use or access the site itself, you’re fine selling access to an external platform through the site you created using the Envato item.

And what about the button? Can I add it?

Can’t see any reason why not. Taking payments through the site is fine.