Displaying item support sales on the Earnings page

Hi All,

As part of the Item Support project we’re today launching some changes to the Earnings page so that authors on TF and CC can differentiate between item sales and support sales.

There are now separate views for item sales, support sales and total sales (i.e. item and support sales). The totals at the top of the page (i.e. ‘sales earnings this month’ and ‘total value of your sales’) have also been updated to include item and support sales.

Please check it out and let me know if you see anything issues.



Now I see perfect.

That’s very useful stats, also it would be great to see the usernames who purchased support pack.

Btw, the referrals stats does not work, getting this error http://prntscr.com/8lp8a3

Hi mad-dog,

Looks ok from my end so it could have just been a random issue. Can you please have another look?


Hi Andrew!
It works fine now.