Deepest concerns about the new rules of maximum upload limits.

Well, it’s an interesting experiment :sunglasses:

Obviously it’s an attempt to cut down on reviewing time, and with fewer items in the queue, my guess is it will work. They’ve chosen to target users who are “speedy producers”, specifically those with potential rejections stacked up. There is of course the potential implicit collateral damage of also punishing speedy producers with high approval rates.

Bottom line, AJ does not need “more of the same”, and since that probably goes for competing sites as well, the real shift for the Market will be less “speedy productions” and, hopefully, more sales per upload for everyone. I seriously doubt that producers who previously focused on quantity now magically will be able to take their tracks to another level, but since there will be relatively speaking less of the “speedy production” sort, perhaps the overall buyer experience will improve slightly. 5 items per review cycle may still be too much, though. I think we’d see more of a quality effect if it was down to 1 or 2. Anyway, less reviewing cost and less authors complaining over review times. More resources available to move forward :sunglasses:

I’m supportive :+1:


I only just joined here last month and I’m supportive too. If the current status of 20 to 31 days had continued I would probably have stopped even though I only upload one track every 3 weeks approximately. It’s too long to wait and I’m hoping it comes down to 5 days. :slight_smile:

I have no concern over the maximum upload limit, it’s actually a good thing. It might even help AJ be more competitive in an already over saturated market.

Upload only your best, trim the fat, and let each authors uploads compete. Simple.

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I think this quite good idea! :slight_smile: If reduce reviewing time that everything will be good!

If you happen to be a full time producer and this change affects your work, you can always consider going non-exclusive and spread your tunes around. No reason to let this block your producing speed.


To anyone who is concerned about the upload limits: who says the definition of a full-time author is uploading more tracks than the current upload limit?

You can still be working full time and produce less tracks, and instead invest more time into them. I don’t recommend anyone to operate on a maximum-output model - it’s simply not sustainable in the long run, unless of course you’re non-exclusive as @OuranioRecordings said.

In my opinion one’s time is better spent making less items, but refining those items to maximise their quality and potential in the market.


Show me ONE author with quality material who uploads every day. There is none. If an item gets accepted it means nothing. Instead of making 20 tracks that sell 3 times altogether, try making a track that sells 20 times. It’s easy to fall into addiction of producing “as much as possible” but in the end it’s just an addiction. Making 7 tracks a week is not hard work, it’s laziness.


6000 sales / 128 items / 1 year

it does not mean what he is upload 128/354= 1 track per 3 days, it means he upload every day but takes some vacations from time to time

I know a lot of authors how upload every day and it is high quality material
i know MOST OF THAN just delete some itmes (not the best) from time to time
If somebody can not produce a track during 1 day, it does not mean what nobody can do this

i can not imagine somebody will make a corporate track during a week - this is nonsense
quality of track does not depend on production time
quality depend only on producer’s skills
there’re a lot of terrible tracks which were made during a weeks, same as top tracks made in couple of hours

Do not judge by yourself about the capabilities of other authors, its not professional.

Haha… Yes. Don’t worry, I know what it’s like to produce a track in 2 hours and it suddenly becomes your bestseller. But it’s easy to fall into a trap of thinking that all your material must be done in 2 hours. Even if you make a track each day, you can decide to upload only the best ones, so you upload a track every 3 days like your author does.

If a review time is 15 days you can still upload 121 items per year with the new 5 items limit, so it’s still possible to become a massive success in a single year. But unfortunately for each top-flow there are 1000 no-flows :wink:

and this is mean, making a same work (spending a same time) we’ll be upload less tracks and will earn less money, that’s what I am talking about, that’s why I am so worry

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Agree with you!

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I don’t know how to put it so it will be more clear, maybe like this:

case 1: you make a track every day and accumulate 100 sales a year (working 8 hours a day)
case 2: you make a track every 3 days and accumulate 100 sales a year (working 8 hours a day)

It’s the same amount of time spent, the same amount of money earned, but in the 2nd case you produced tracks of higher quality and the market is less saturated. How can this be “mean”?

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it sounds like a dream, but it based just on a “feeling” what in future 1 item will get 3 times more sales than now
why do you think so?
anyway, main idea beside this news in great, all we have now is to wait and check the results
optimists believe after that 1 item will earn more sales than now, realist sure it will be a same
lets check it
really really hope I am wrong and there’s will be same earns (not less)

1000 sales per year minimum for a full time, otherwise this is unprofitable

Falsifying information for personal gain is usually classed as fraud. Just so you know! Not to mention the potential tax implications for your friends and family.

I don´t know if anybody had talked about this (sorry if i´m the delay). but, with this change in the queued list could make a better specific explanation about hard reject.

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I dont know, never tried to make additional account
but some top authors has a multiple exclusive accounts
it meant some guys can upload 20 tracks instead os 5) funny

Can’t you guys just wait for a month or two and see what will this changes bring. If the sales drop , I’m sure that Envato team will change this rule , all in all , Envato team and authors are here to make some money …
Just chill , take a beer and relax ! :slight_smile:
Enjoy your week guys !


already) thank you


The problem is that the quality doesn’t correlate with sales. It is easy to see by checking different artists portfolios. Even the best selling artists don’t get thousands of sales on each track. Most of the tracks get only 0-10 sales at best and it is not because they suck. It is because that’s how the market works. Hence in my opinion it is stupid thing to do to maximize effort put on quality instead of volume. So if you believe that you’d get same sales for 10 good items than 100 mediocre items, statistically it is not true. 100 items definitely beat the 10 items in most cases. Only situations where this isn’t necessarily so is if one of the 10 items happen to get REALLY LUCKY and hit thousands of sales, but those are very rare cases indeed and the same lucky strike might well hit on one of the 100 mediocre items as well. Some of the best selling tracks here are definitely not excellent.

Only thing that really matters is the median sales value of one track on AJ. If you multiply that median value with your portfolio size, you should get quite reasonable estimate on your overall sales. If your general quality is at least decent. The tunes that make insane amount of sales are always anomalies and shouldn’t be taken into account when you think of the big picture and long run.