i get an error message when i tried uploading the theme i purchased from your store. Kindly find a possible solution to it themeforest video streaming tenolate. Vidsea
Woops, sorry! The title slipped past me!
Most likely, you’re uploading the wrong file. When you download the theme from ThemeForest, make sure to click “Installable WordPress file only” instead of “All files”.
For more info, see this article:
there is no option for “Installable WordPress file only”
ll files & documentation
License certificate & purchase code (PDF)
License certificate & purchase code (text)
only option
If you don’t see that option, then it’s probably not a WordPress theme. Double check the category - is it an HTML template perhaps? Can you post a link to the item page?
Video Streaming it shows wordpress template but it isnt working
it is an html template how can i install it on wordpress?
Unfortunately that is not possible without hiring a developer to convert it into a WordPress theme. WordPress requires a lot of custom code in PHP.
I didn’t find any WP themes with that name so if you’re committed to using that template then you can look for a developer e.g. on Envato Studio who can convert it for you, but it probably won’t be cheap.
Otherwise you may want to look for an alternative theme in the WordPress category: https://themeforest.net/category/wordpress
Here is the link http://preview.themeforest.net/item/video-streaming/full_screen_preview/157947 the theme i purchased. It states it is compatible with wordpress so why is it not working please do something about it. Or i write a post that this platform achive sales through deceitful means
This https://themeforest.net/item/video-streaming/157947 is a site template (and in that category), and it is not a WordPress theme so won’t function on WordPress as it is.
Where does it say it’s WP compatible? Could you screenshot that?
Then make a refund or send me a wordpress theme that falls in the same category. The advert i saw before purchase states it is compatible with WordPress. I do not have the screenshot.
If you want to request a refund then you have to go didn’t the right channels https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/202821460-Can-I-Get-A-Refund-
Bear aware that mistaken purchase may not be grounds for a refund and items are not able to be exachanged especially once downloaded and when they are from a different category and subsequently a different price.