I have a Wordpress plugin called The Wunderbar for sale on Codecanyon. It’s a front-end WYSIWYG editor – Wunderbar enables you to extensively update your posts, pages, comments, and widgets from the front end of the website as if it was a word processor. I think it’s both useful and well done, but I’m having trouble getting any traction (ie: sales) or attention paid to it.
I see there is a somewhat similar plugin called the WP Quick Front-End Editor also available on Codecanyon. But “WP Quick Front-End Editor” can also be found in a “lite” version on the wordpress.org plugin diretory, with links to the “pro” version on Codecanyon.
Has anyone else tried that route with success? I’d been hesitant to do that, mostly because I thought Codecanyon’s licensing requirements frowned on that sort of thing. But if that’s NOT so, then I guess I can’t see much of a downside.
Another option would be to offer a demo version that doesn’t save your edits but I personally tend to find those annoying. Although now that I think of it…they have caused me to buy a couple apps over the years.