Copyright claim from Elite Allience doesnt resolve even sended license

Hello, last friday we have received a mail from youtube saying that Elite Allience have claimed music copyrights as one of the music that we use as a background. We have license for it from envato elements. My youtube channel is FunBusters:

This is the claimed video:

In Envato website it says that we should get in touch with them. I wrote to them directly and they replied that they had to get verification from the author. Accordingly, I also wrote to the author and he said that he did not see the copyright claim and could not do anything. They just pass the ball to each other. What comes out? That neither one nor the other can fix the issue… Yes, but we have put a lot of work into this 2 hour video and we want this copyright to be removed as we also have the licenses. Please help us!

Thank you in advance!
Sincerely, Stefan Nikolov

To remove copyright claim you simply need to dispute that claim from your YouTube Studio dashboard, and in that form you get there to fill, you need to show your license to Elite Alliance. If usage of that audio is covered by that license you have, Elite Alliance should remove that claim.
The only reason when they won’t remove claim would be:

  1. If you have a single usage license but using that audio for the second time

  2. If perhaps you requested whitelisting of your channel instead of claim removal, in which case they need to talk to that author and only if author is ok with that, they would whitelist your channel.

  3. Third reason is when there is not enough creative effort on your side invested and main focus of that videos is music, which is not the case here.

Unfortunately, there is nothing Envato can do regarding YouTube claims, they don’t hold copyright, they can’t remove copyright claim for that music and you need to resolve this problem with that author and Elite Alliance.


Hello, the youtube claim was released yesterday. Thank you very much for your assistance.

Sincerely, Stefan Nikolov

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You are welcome. I’m glad everything went well.