Hi, Dears! I want to know where I can learn to convert my project into other software like, Davinci or Final Cut Pro, I usually make project in After Effects!
Anyone here can help me, please!
Hi, Dears! I want to know where I can learn to convert my project into other software like, Davinci or Final Cut Pro, I usually make project in After Effects!
Anyone here can help me, please!
yes, I also want to know how to convert!
Hi. The best way is watching tutorials about this (YouTube for example). That worked for me to learn how to make Premiere Pro versions from my After Effects templates.
Good luck!
For AE to PP is very easy process but for da vinci & Final Cut Pro you have to build the product from ground up , if you have pre-rendered elements in your project that will make process a little easier. Casey Faris has some great tutorials on davinci reslove.
hi, Thanks for your advice!
I also learn how to convert premier pro versions, but could not find any tutorials about Davinci and Final cut pro
Hi, thanks for reply, Where can I find tutorials by Casey Faris? thank you!
thank you sharing me this channel, i checked all videos but could not find anything about converting AE projects to Davinchi
I guess that’s because as @santoshw7885 said, you have to make the DaVinci Resolve project from scratch and even better if you have pre-render material (like I did with several Premiere Pro Mogrt files). I think you can’t convert so easy an AE project to DaVinci.
It goes like this.
For Final Cut Pro.
First you have to learn to use Apple Motion .
Then you should try to understand how to recreate After Effects Layers and its Transformation (Position, Rotation, Scale), Mask, Effects etc inside Apple Motion.
Now you can create all the possible effects inside Apple Motion.
Some effects from AE are not possible to create inside Apple Motion. You can prerender those layers.
Then putting them together inside apple motion will get you the Motion Project which can be used inside Final Cut Pro.
For DaVinci Resolve you have to learn to use Fusion which is a node based tool.
Rest of the process is like FCP only. But more complicated because of node based system.
Takes lot of time and patience. You have to learn a lot. You have to understand all the softwares technically.
oh thank you, VPoxy, You helped much!