Can I collect html template from themeforest and convert to WordPress theme and sell this theme at themeforest and this template has no WordPress theme at marketplace or other? Is it legal or illegal?
Can I collect html template from themeforest and convert to WordPress theme for another of my client?
no, you can’t. it is 100% illegal.
for doing this you must have to taken written permission from the html template author. Also html author have to get permission from envato support team.
I believe, he can code the HTML template to sell it to his client without any written permission from the HTML author as long as he won’t sell it as his/her own and/or at any marketplace
you edited your post query and for your new query yes you can and in this case for each client you will need to purchase individual license of the html.
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That means, 1 job, 1 regular license. What is he got a commercial license?
yes 1 job 1 regular license.
If the end users need to pay to see the end product, you need an Extended License.
keep in note that no license will give permission to make/create multiple end product.
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