Contact form not sending email - BigFormat theme

I’m using BigFormat theme, which has a support link that sent me to this forum.

The Contact Form is not sending the email after submission, despite appearing to submit and displaying confirmation message:

Thank you for your email.

It will be answered as soon as possible.

It’s not going to spam folder and I’ve tried different emails as well as switching off/on the basic Spam Question (5-1) on the form.

Any ideas why that is?

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Welcome to envato forum.

Envato forum is not a Item support area. Item support provides by the item’s author.

Please contact the author of your purchased theme, the author will assist you.

How to contact an author to get support or for any technical query:



It’s probably your hosting has blocked WP_MAIL feature which means that you will need to install additional extension to send the emails through your website.

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I’m having the same problem. What type of extension should I install on Wordpress?

Your hosting may required SMTP to send email. In this case install any SMTP plugin and setup. Also need to make sure you have setup recipient address correctly in the contact form email settings.