I bought a “marblex” theme and started customizing it.
Like adding my client’s own logo instead of the theme’s Marblex logo.
This theme consists of portfolios but these display the Marblex logo… so I have to personalize each portfolio by replacing the Marblex logo with my client’s logo.
This manipulation is done by selecting the portfolio and clicking on the “modify” sub-menu; which has the effect of displaying the parameters of the portfolios with a specific enrichment. This is where I was able to modify the first portfolio.
Now I have to modify the headers of other portfolios and even create new ones.
Except that this feature no longer appears in my wordpress interface. I can modify the content of the portfolio but not modify the header, including the logo… result, these portfolios are displayed with the Marblex logo… it is not conceivable.
After several exchanges with the author, who told me that the problem had to come from me, I took the initiative to create a new domain name - “test” - then to install the official, native version, issued from my download space on themeforest. I did not customize or install my own elements, just to check this: even without touching anything, the basic installation no longer gives the possibility of modifying the header and therefore of replacing the “Marblex” logo by my client’s logo.
It is important that this theme gets back to working as before.
Today, my client is waiting for his site and I cannot present him with a flawed version.
Today, the author of the theme does not answer me and the days pass without return… the assistance for this theme will soon come to an end without my being able to really benefit from it when I should be able to turn to her for REAL patterns.
Thank you for your quick return.
This is tricky because without seeing the admin and spending time to explore the code it is very difficult to advise.
Presumably your WP installation and the version of the theme you are using are both up to date? (there was a theme update in April).
Envato would only get involved if you had actually asked for a refund and the author first declined it - they are not responsible for potential theme bugs or support,
I confirm that wordpress installed perfectly and the installation of the theme, downloaded from my space 2 days ago, also went well.
You tell me that if the author does nothing, I am stuck and find myself unable to deliver my client as he expects??
You can raise it with envato and see what they say but unfortunately no one in the forums is going to be able to give definitive answers or advice.
Your best option would be to message envato and see what they are able to suggest. Envato Market Help and Support
That’s what I’d like to do but I can’t find the exact location…
Use the link above and choose ‘something i’ve purchased’ from the drop down menu
So I clicked on your link and it’s ok!