Coming Soon HTML Template, has been rejected

Thank you for your submission. We have completed our review of “K-Bits Coming Soon HTML Template” and unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.
Hehre our demo link

Similar items are already at the marketplace as well as your design doesn’t bring anything new.

Okay, can you share Similar items with exact design i also know many elements available in themeforest they have similar items

Sorry for reply
but can you share similar design coming soon item so we can review because i also know similar design thousands elements available in envato and they have approved

Just asking for information

Approved items are at least 1-2 years old. If you could’ve posted 3 years ago, there would be no problem to get the approval but as time, item standards are changing as well.

So you are saying we need to create unique coming soon html with design, that not exist on themeforest Right ?

Right, but you’re losing the main point of themeforest, so who’s gonna buy a template made of 2-3 coming soon variations rather than a heavy multipurpose template that has even more coming soon variations. You are here on themeforest to go beyond yourself and to compete with the best. Keep that in mind and put the appropriate amount of work in your products to get a (slight) chance to succeed.

Good luck

Yes, unique designs are the key