I purchased quite a brilliant theme with great support Listivo. I arrived at a point where I wanted to continue with this theme but on a different domain as it didn’t quite cater for the needs of the first domain. I asked the developer if they had any issues as I created a staging site, edited it and then went to the production site on the new domain. It seems that my website now has a notice on it “domain error” while other functions have been disabled. Why after being notified of the developers agreement is my website suffering this potentially costly interference.
Technically Envato licenses permit use for one end product - using it on multiple domains would be a breach of this.
A lot of authors have their items set up to detect multiple use and prevent things working correctly.
Some do enable buyers to exchange projects/domains etc but this usually requires it to be deregistered and even then there is no obligation for them to allow this.
Based on your comment perhaps the authors was confused between staging and live sites but almost certainly if you were trying to activate the theme on multiple sites or domains (regardless of what the developer said) they will be the cause of your issues.
You should start by going back to the author
The authors were quite clear as it was explained why I wanted to swap domains from one that was live under one domain, went to a staging site of the same domain then onto the live site with a different domain. Not only were they aware but they actually assisted with an issue doing the edits on the staging site while I sent them a thank you after going live with a link showing the contribution they had made. They were aware and quite agreeable once the situation was explained. Once the situation was conveyed to Envato on the Friday morning they did sweet nothing to help and have left me with a dis functional website which could be very costly given that even the “under construction” banner doesn’t work as is the case with logins. Completely irresponsible and unresponsive.
From the Authors:
Thank you for your message. We completely understand your decision to rebrand, and changing the domain name is not an issue on our side. If you ever need technical assistance after the change, please ensure to provide us with the updated login details so we can support you effectively.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.
Best regards,
If you are already in conversation with the author then you need to talk to them as only they will be able to correct technical issues.
Based on another thread about the same thing there may be a de-registration process which without completing would cause these problems deactivate the classima theme license - #4 by bonusco2020
Again without access to the theme itself and your installation it’s impossible to say exactly hence why you should talk to the author
The site with the Classima theme has been deleted, it occupied the domain that the Listivo theme has now replaced and all the files of the old site are gone. I have communicated with the author but it appears that Envato are pulling the technical strings and have done nothing at all to help, almost like they couldn’t care less thus damaging their own reputation while even bringing wordpress itself into disrepute. Unbelievable incompetence.
Then you should try Envato again BUT bear in mind that:
A) regardless of what the author said this is in conflict of the license that the item was purchased under and
B) item support is entirely handled and at the discretion of the author. If anyone could have or may still be able to release the license, that will be the author NOT Envato.
Envato are an agent, the developer owns the the copyright to the intellectual property and I the licensee have reached agreement with the owner which means by law that Envato have no right to interfere between the copyright holder and the licensee’s agreements, is is sheer arrogance to pretend otherwise and of course Envato’s terms and conditions of service are not valid if they are unconscionable or lack disclosure, are deceptive or lack the consent of the parties among other requirements of valid contracts and they do carry liabilities if they unjustly cause damage to the parties.