What to do?

Hi friends.

What to do when you find out that the buyer is using theme on 2 domains but purchased only one license? Is there any benefit to report this behavior to Envato?
Will they take any action?

Thanks. o7

Ouch, I would probably get angry. But I think that yes, you should report this to Envato, but maybe try to get in touch with this person first? Highlight the lines in the license that indicate using the theme on one domain, I think.
If it doesn’t work, report this issue to Envato.
Other than that, I don’t know what to do :frowning:

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I’d get in touch with them first. Maybe they just didn’t know the rules, and prompting them will result in them happily buying an additional license. Then if they don’t get back to you, or don’t buy another license, you could get in touch with support.

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Yes he did since I told him about 2 months ago after which I got answer something like ‘I really need 2 licenses?’ and then quiet for 2 months and now again asking support . :smiley:

Will see what envato will tell.

Oh God, these type of people are irritating, but what to do? Yeah, now all what is left to do is waiting for Envatos reply.

He is really unfair, but sometimes its better to be smart than right. Maybe try to communicate him again, and make him kind of settlement offer, and try to make it look generous but firm. Some people listen better when told specifics. Take care!

Right, you should have said! In that case… bring the rain.

Tried that, helped him with small modifications but nothing. Let’s see how Envato protect us if there is any protection at all.

Yes people are different just do not allow them to get to you and make you angry since everything what goes around comes around . :slight_smile:

Agreed:D but since i’ve got short temper I usually overreact, get angry and frustrated :smiley:

@ALdesigns - that is normal human reaction when dealing with such jerks :slight_smile: I hope there is a solution to this case.

Take that into your advantage and go to gym or buy a punching bag :smiley:

I remember seeing my actions on various sites that gave them for free. I remember that the first time I saw it I literally started crying since it were my first actions, that were accepted here. After I saw that there’s many authors dealing with it, I just became angry :smiley:
I found some ways to deal with it, but there’s just too many sites and people, so yeah, as @DJMiMi said, punching bag is the key :smiley:

There is not sort of protection you will get from envato. You are responsible for yourself. If I was in place of you, I would stop supporting the buyer and would start support again once the buyer purchases the licenses appropriately.

At least I’ve tried but if there is nothing they can do then they allow that their licenses be violated.