Card refused


This is the third time that I try to put a business card on this site, but it refuses me again and again, I want there is a problem but wait 1 week that his project is refused and that he does not even tell you why this is not good, it’s not difficult to put the real reasons instead of putting an automatic answer, at least it would help the person straight away.


Thank you for your submission. We have completed our review of “Business Card Template” and unfortunately we are not at the quality standard required to move forward, and we will not be able to submit this item again.

We appreciate the effort and time you’ve gotten into creating your item. And we’d be happy to help you make sure you meet your requirements. Here’s our advice:

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We hope to see you soon!

All the best!

Envato Quality team

They will give feedback when it’s closer but it’s sensible for them not to do it when an item is too far from the standard for various reasons, plus even 2 more minutes er item rejected would have a big impact on delays.

On this:

  • Typography is a long way off throughout esp. the name/title font choice.
  • On the front, the URL has inconsistent spacing above/below it
  • In the preview, the red/white edges on the back appear pixelated
  • The icons do not look premium
  • It’s a bit odd that the diagonal edges of the info area are at a different angle to one another

People assume that because business cards are basic that these will be the simplest category to submit to. Actually, it’s quite the opposite as it is already super crowded meaning that anything short of unique won’t cut it, and because there is less to judge on then the design needs to be flawless in every sense


.Typography is a long way in esp. the choice of the font of the name / title.

For example, the police are fat and this has been accepted, I have trouble understanding.

On the front side, the URL has irregular spacing above / below.

I can understand this problem.

In the preview, the red / white edges on the back appear pixelated.

The edges are not pixilixer (using the rotation option on Photoshop, this produces this effect)

.The icons do not look premium.

I can understand this problem.

It’s a little strange that the diagonal edges of the area are at different angles.

This is a style effect.

hi i think that u have a major problem with typo, especially on top of the card , it just does not match with other texts and the card style. IN addition the very organization of the info is not a good one in my view, it tends to make teh card look unbalanced

Not a fan. Looks a bit outdated and not very premium… for all the reasons mentioned by others.