I can’t update Shopkeeper from version 2.4.9 to current version 2.6.10.
Nothing happens when I click update. Can I do so manually?
Best regards
I can’t update Shopkeeper from version 2.4.9 to current version 2.6.10.
Nothing happens when I click update. Can I do so manually?
Best regards
Please check the theme documentation hopefully you will get necessary support about updating theme in documentation. If you have still problem with the theme then The best way to get the support is Contact your purchased Theme Author.
Don’t worry just contact Author. Author will be very happy to assist you.
Note: please keep a backup before making any update.
Thank you! I’ll do so.
Best regards
Hello again.
I can’t find any documentation
And I’ve checked the FAQ, but found nothing there.
Documentation should included in your purchased download. May be they have included online documentation link. Please double check have you download all Files and documentation?
Hello Arian,
It look like you’ve managed to get in touch with us.
You should bookmark the theme’s Help Center: https://shopkeeper.wp-theme.help/
You can always get the latest version of the theme from https://themeforest.net/downloads for a manual update. If you won’t be able to set up updates in future, feel free to get in touch with our support team and we’ll do our best to help.
Thank you for using Shopkeeper!