Hello, I have updated my WordPress theme but for some reason when I log in to WordPress and try to update the website it brings me to a blank page. The website won’t update. Can someone please help.
Please contact the author of your theme to get support. If you can tell us the exact name of the theme, we can point you in the right direction.
It’s always best to get in touch with your author & have support from him unless you ask anyone else to provide you any solution.
It might be a simple issue which may not take that much time
Thank you. How can I find who my author is?
Thank you. How can I find the theme? I purchased it 3 years ago so I forget where to find it.
You can find all of your purchased items from your Dashboard Download tab. Go to Downloads and select your theme from there (Assuming you are loggedin in envato market).
FYI if it was purchased 3 years ago then you may need to buy extended support to have the author help you out.
Thanks it says The7 is my theme and I purchased the support. How would I find the author?
Click on the theme it will take you to the theme page. then you can get in touch with author from the theme Comments page or theme Support page.
How to contact an author to get support or for any technical query: