Hi, I want to buy the7 theme, but we use WordPress 5.8 now.
Is this theme can compatible with WordPress 5.8?
Hi, please get in touch with the author of the theme @Dream-Theme to get support:
I can’t get in touch with the Autor because I have not bought the theme yet. I hope I can get answer before purchase the theme.
Hi @MalinoHighland,
You can ask your pre-purchase query directly to the theme author by posting comments going through the theme Comments page. theme item author will answer your query.
Thank you for the information.
Can you suggest a WP theme that is compatible with WordPress 5.8?
I think most of the theme those are compatible with wp 5.7.x will be compatible with 5.8.x. WordPress 5.8 released most recently (July 20, 2021). so, this version is not included in envato market compatibility list till now and hope will be included very soon and then author will be able to update the compatibility version to the latest version. But I strongly recommend ask the compatibility query directly to the theme author as I suggest in my last reply.