Can I sell one page landing page here in themeforest?

Hi, Newbie here. Can I sell one page only landing page wordpress theme here in themeforest? Im planning to have a part time selling one page wordpress theme. What are the requirements needed when uploading one page? Im trying find a link here about the requirements needed for creating one page landing page. Im planning to use “twentytwentyone” theme and use the page.php and put all the design everything in page.php, is that enough? thankyou to whom may help me clear to start selling here :slight_smile:

You can sell one page landing page but for doing this at first you have to get approve your theme.

No, you can’t use other author theme for selling here. The theme must have to create by you and from the scratch for selling here.

WordPress Theme General Requirements:

WordPress Theme Requirements:

is there a basic wordpress theme that can be download or can be used? i will be using page.php only or can i just upload the page.php to themeforest rather than a whole folder of theme? because ill be customizing only the page.php

correct me if im wrong i think i have read somewhere that themeforest need header and footer for wordpress theme? is there a link where i could read more what themeforest need? what are the final files i need to prepare to submit to themeforest for selling wordpress theme

in this case there is 0 (zero) possibility to get approve. and 100% it will be rejected.

hi thankyou for your respond and i have found a tutorial in youtube on creating basic wordpress theme, i could start there, i know im no pro but im willing to learn

godbless to the community people here in forum that helps me get started