Boosting sales


Yes, l agree overall, but l have done the social media thing for more than 6 months, with pretty useless results, but it might be a lack of high quality designs, etc. But so far a few followers, and a couple of hundred views etc, but not much else.

Social Media is something you do but don’t really expect anything worthwhile from? And yes, l have created a website as well, with affiliate links when possible.

Yes, good advise with creating high quality work, the higher you go, the less competition and the more profits, (well, there is more to it than that, but in a nutshell).

Obviously a newbie couldn’t expect to do Elite Author level flyers consistently, but in time l believe so!

My best ideas, and tools, phew, l have quite a few, mainly around saving time!

My best idea, ok, find something that is labor intensive and find ways to speed things up, while maintaining high quality!

So, one example is the Preview image, a newbie will have to cut and paste then scale down, then position it on the preview file over and over when doing flyers.

But someone else trying to speed things up, will learn how to use Smart Objects!

“SO”, allows you to set up all the flyer images, so that next time it is just a matter of pressing a few buttons and the new flyer image is where it should be. A few seconds instead of probably 5 to 10 minutes, effort?

:sunglasses: :palm_tree: