Avada and Polylang

I wanna do my site with the theme Avada multilingual and got recommended Polylang. Installed the plugin and one language and after that the site crashes. I’ve read through all kinds of forums and got some suggestions that it could be a memory issue in php.ini. But I’ve installed plugins after my try with Polylang and there’s no problem. Still searching I found a thread that there could be some problem with the theme.

So now, any suggestions what to do, or is there a non-compatibel plugin with avada?


Avada is definitely compatible with Polyang, many of our customers use it. Please make sure you are up to date with both theme and the plugin.

We can take an in-depth look for you on our support forum as well, signup and post a new thread with all the details and our support team will assist.



Polylang is not working with Avada.

Works fine, up to a point…