I’m an Author here on Envato since 2011 and we had some really good times but the quality and control from the Envato side went down a lot in the last couple of Years.
Our items are on so many illegal sites all straight copied from CodeCanyon we can’t even control it anymore. Sales went down drastically because of that and Envato just doesn’t care.
It seems like they only support the big sellers (sure you make most money), but all the little ones will actually bring traffic to your site.
We have decided to stop selling on the Envato platform and remove our items from Envato completly. It is just not worth the trouble we have…
For all our loyal customers we will leave our items for one more week, please make sure you download the latest version and keep a copy of it. We want to thank you for your trust and purchases in case of any questions please head to our main website.
Thank you very much and all the best.
JAKWEB - Jérôme
I wish you good luck and I agree with what you said completely, on the other hand although I would suggest you hire someone to help you with the site work and convertions…
It is not about the work we have for support and maintain the files. We can handle much more, but the revenue is just not enough anymore. When I search some items from here pretty much all of them are available on pirate websites free for download. When I contacted Envato to secure their system better, all I received was:
It is not our problem, as we are not the owner of the files.
Truthful answer. You’re the owner of the copyright, now go out and enforce it if you dare (but I must tell you, it’s not fun or effective). Has nothing to do with system security, honestly.
Nowhere in Envato’s terms does it say they must work for you 24/7 to take down these sites, some of which probably won’t even listen to a DMCA takedown.
Thank you for your feedback, but beeing in this business for a very long time, we know how it works…
When I see a lot of websites copied everything one to one from Envato including the files we upload I wonder how secure their system is or you don’t?!
We pay a fee here and it is not cheap so I think the author should have some service and support in return for it?! I don’t except wonders but at least a minimal protection.
Do you honestly believe that these people have found a way to download files for free? Envato uses AWS to store and download files, it is a very strict process to authorize a download.
Clearly one of your buyers is leaking it, or people are scraping it from your demo, depending on the type of project.
No matter where you go to sell software you will encounter this problem nowadays. Good luck wherever you intend to move to.