Are the Wordpress Themes on Elements old and low sellers?

It seems like many of the wordpress themes on Elements are either outdated (old) or low sellers on Themeforest. Does anyone know what the criteria is for themes to get sent to Elements?

Really not the case - of course there will be some older themes but there are also authors like @AncoraThemes , @ThemeREX , @axiomthemes , @CocoBasic , @Dannci , and more who have recent themes on there and are some of the best authors on the marketplace.


If it’s approved on Marketplace, it can be uploaded to Elements.

What do you expect anyway for 20-30$ per month for the unlimited download of hundreds of thousands item when the actually/normal price for one theme is at least/around 40$?

If the theme is selling good on the marketplace, it won’t take a place at Elements.