{"error":"User not found. This can sometimes occur if the user has registered with https://account.envato.com but not logged in to the marketplace yet.","code":"not_authenticated"}
temporary fix:
go to https://build.envato.com/api/#market_0_Author_Sale
click Log in with your Envato account to test this API method
F12 ( developer console ) -> network -> XHR
optionally clear so you can see only the new requests
insert code & click try out
you should have 2 requests one with the method 204 OPTIONS and one GET 200
click 200 GET and check request headers
you should have a header like
Authorization:"Bearer sometoken"
Use this token to temporarily use the service. It’s temporary since we don’t know its TTL ( time to live ). LE: the TTL is 1 hour
Good old API problem still here too. Envato should really work this out as this is not the first time in a short period so this must be considered as priority 1 issue! Also the Envato status page says that the problem is resolved but in fact it is not!
is there any update to the issue? Clearly, more and more authors are reporting problems with the API and an official statement (maybe even forum announcement) would be greatly appreciated, so we can refer our angry buyers to it, BEFORE we receive 1-star ratings; some buyers are not very patient and very quick in “punishing” authors, even for an issue that is completely outside the author’s control!
There’s a weird Telstra outage here at the moment that is blocking my access to a bunch of websites. I cannot even log into AWS from Australia, I have to bounce through US. It could be something like that.
I have an issue with my Envato Item Purchase Code
User not found. This can sometimes occur if the user has registered with https://account.envato.com but not logged in to the marketplace yet
Please support