Anyone can help me with Theme issues for a website?

Anyone can help with Theme issues for a website? Theme Forest can you please answer and help things sort out? your customer service is really bad

What problems do you have, usually the author of the theme is responsible for theme’s bugs and documentation.

The product alingment is messed up. the author off the theme is Peenapo V

It’s a css problem, you can add custom css if the theme supports it.

.bw-content-shop .products .product:nth-child(4n+3){ 0 3% 2.992em 0 !important }

You should better submit a ticket to the author and ask him to fix this problem.

You will also need to sign in using the acocunt which purchased the theme (you have no buyer badge on this acocunt) or if you bought it as a guest then find the purchase code info for the author to be able to help

In case of interest: