Another rejection. Need advise please.

Personally I think it’s close to good enough. Probably need to do a bit more with the typography - for example on the top text, the lines could alternate different colours maybe? I think it could use something to make it a bit more legible.

Thanks ToivoMedia, I will have another look at it.

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You just get dejected when you keep getting knocked back time after time.

I know, but all you can do is try to be positive, and use each rejection as an opportunity to learn something and improve. Most (probably all) rejections I’ve had, when I look back on them I’m glad it was rejected as I ended up improving and then getting approved. And of course after a while your own built in quality standards will become more solid, so you won’t get rejected any more… That’s my advice anyway, although whether it’s worth all the work is another question entirely.

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Thank you, that’s good advice and much appreciated. Maybe I just need to step back for a week or 2 then have another go…lol.

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