Announcing Changes to the Collaborations Process on ThemeForest

As part of our ongoing efforts to improve our processes, we have simplified the way collaborations are requested and refreshed the guidelines.

Requesting collaborations

We have a new, dedicated form to use when requesting your collaborations which provides us with all the information we need to record your collaboration and get you on your way faster. After you have submitted your request to us, you and your collaborator will receive a confirmation email with a ticket number.

Once you receive confirmation you can submit your item for review, quoting the ticket number in notes to the reviewer.


Our updated guidelines aim to clarify our position in regards to collaborations and intellectual property. This is to ensure that each author entering the collaboration is aware of their responsibilities and holds necessary rights to all the assets within their item. You can read our refreshed guidelines here.

What do you suggest to the authors that have been in a partnership already? Do they need to create the ticket as well?

Hi @ki-themes, past collaborations don’t need to resubmit a ticket or backdate in any way, new collaborations that are just beginning will need to submit it via form we’ve linked

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