AI footage on Envato Elements

I’ve found AI-generated footage on Envato Elements and there is no warning about it. In Europe such videos cannot be copyrighted. I think they should not appear among the videos recorded by people because it´s another type of product. In any case, it should always be stated that they are videos generated by AI.

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Thanks for the input but the fact is that there is already AI-generated content being sold on Envato Elements. Not as “preview purposes only” but as standalone item, check this: Un bullicioso mercado navideño con luces festivas, puestos y tiendas , Grabaciones de stock Incluyendo: festivo y establos - Envato

My point is that if this is going to be allowed, a warning should be given.

Thank you for providing the item URL. It appears that the item is AI-generated, but there is no mention of this. It would be best to submit a ticket directly to Envato using the provided URL.

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Ok, thanks!