Again Rejected My Template Plz Suggest

My theme is hard rejected
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Unfortunately your submission Metro One Page Responsive HTML Template isn’t ready for ThemeForest and cannot be resubmitted as it did not meet our minimum requirements for quality and/or Envato Market policies. In order for submissions to be considered for sale they must be of high aesthetic and technical quality, unique to our library and cannot be in violation of Envato’s policies.

Regrettably the Help and Quality Teams are unable to offer a critique or feedback on your rejected submission.

Please see our Help Center for more information:

Our Review team also provided these comments:

Unfortunately your submission doesn’t meet our current minimum quality requirements for the category it was submitted to. Please consider taking some time to familiarize yourself with our current library and quality levels of popular items before resubmitting.

We appreciate your submission and look forward to seeing your future submissions.

I think that your colors not is good, typography too small, your need make more works for accepted your first sell :slight_smile:

Thanks for reply

can you guide about typography and color so i change and resubmit it.

Thank in advance.

Please give suggestions

His presentation is very basic for you, this does not meet the minimum quality standards required to be accepted.

You have to learn a lot about typography, color, contrast.

You need significant improvements throughout the design.

For example Typographical: has a very bad constrast and this hurts the eyes of any reader, besides being very small.

The colors on the other hand the contrast worse.

Its staff is very simple and easily can be found and considered a free item.

Requires adding unique sections for the work look different Manra.

Work more on small details, they make a product raise its quality.

The images are very important and if you have to change all images. A good premium pack help, Photodune an excellent choice.

Try to do more creative work.

Familiarize yourself with the content available on TF help a lot

The most important “practice” for a long time. everything possible

Keep working good luck

Thanks reply

My another template also rejected

Our Review team also provided these comments:

MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS NOT MET: Your item does not meet the minimum technical design requirements for this category