Does anyone here knows a fix why an accent letters like (ç, é, ô, ã) become bold when using roboto font?
Does anyone here knows a fix why an accent letters like (ç, é, ô, ã) become bold when using roboto font?
Probably have to include the font like this:
BonfireThemes saidProbably have to include the font like this:
Notice the "subset=latin,latin-ext" part.
I will try that…
EDIT: this works fine… any link where did you get this “css?subset=latin,latin-ext”
When you go to Google Fonts and select Quick-Use on a font, then you can set the parameters there. First you choose the styles and then the character sets - this is where that “css?subset=latin,latin-ext” got added to the link.
All the best,
Don’t remember which exact site I found it on. I actually just a few days ago needed this to assist a buyer, so I googled for “google font add latin subset” or something like that.
EDIT: There you go, my fellow countryman had the better answer