So i have seen many wordpress themes here which was soft rejected due to color contrast and typography. If i provide the users or customers of my theme to choose a color of there own for the text color or background color in the customiser of wp and choose a global font of there own. then i can’t get rejected because of typography and color contrast right? of course in my theme demos i will use the best color contrast and fonts to the best of my knowledge but i was just wondering that if i made the the colors dynamic and provides a big collection of google fonts (cause the design of my theme is material design) for users to choose from is there still a chance to get rejected because of the aforementioned issues? currently i am using materialize CSS framework that has typography styles of its own and with a little bit of customization in its scss files i corrected the font sizes and letter spacing etc but still i am kinda worried that what if i get rejected for choosing the wrong fonts at the demos or choosing wrong colors for text and background. Also i have seen themes here that provides hundreds of google fonts in there themes, can somebody guide me on how to add hundreds of google fonts in your theme or can anyone direct me to an article or something that will help me? i am just wondering from where are they taking so many google fonts. Also Thank you so much for the support guys
Yes; your project can be rejected, if you ignore the points you mention. For a project to be accepted it must be of high quality in all aspects and details that make up the overall design.
Regardless of the framework you are using, your work is to find a suitable proportion that suits the concept.
Take a look at tutsplus, and you can find lots of tutorials that can help you improve your skills.
Good luck with your work
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