HELP Wordpress woo-commerce theme hard reject

Our Wordpress woocommerce theme 2nd time hard rejected. Any expert can help us! Why our theme hard reject and How to solve this before resubmit ?

Here ThemeForest review team comment

Here is the comment from your Envato Quality team reviewer:

Your design has an interesting starting concept, but it needs significant improvements in terms of aesthetics and attention to details.

As higher quality items become available in the marketplace, approval requirements will increase to maintain appropriate marketplace quality.

While I’d be able to provide feedback as to how to get this approved, I can only do after it has crossed a certain threshold, quality wise. I’m sorry to say this isn’t there yet.

Where to start?

  • An overall design quality

  • Visual hierarchy and aesthetics

  • Typography

  • Forms and buttons

  • More attention to details

  • Better design consistency

  • An overall spacing

  • Color contrast and schemes

Here are some resources for you:


Hello. I think there are many issues. Specially color issues.
When you submitted this theme , can you tell me please ?

Thank You for reply

Tell me clearly. What the issues?


Error your colors, typography, etc etc you try fix this theme and resubmit new but change name title item, list you error design theme:

  • An overall design quality
  • Visual hierarchy and aesthetics
  • Typography
  • Forms and buttons
  • More attention to details
  • Better design consistency
  • An overall spacing
  • Color contrast and schemes

good luck, regards.


Thank you for valuable reply.

I understand.

I will come back very soon after fix our theme before resubmit.

Best Regards
Tarikul Sohel

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Hi JeriTeam

Dear please check my wp theme and tell why reject this theme?

Hi JeriTeam
I have submitted my theme after fix Color & Typography, but again rejected my theme.

Dear please check my wp theme and tell why reject this theme?

I hope you will clearly suggest me. How to fix this item ?


Tarikul Sohel