A ask about images copyright for wordpress template kit

Hi to all authors:

Do I can use freepik.com account premium for template kit will approved themeforest? please help me thank you so much, regards.

may be this can help you.
What Assets Can I Use In My Items?

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Sorry I don’t understand 100% this page because english, I am not speak english.

Do I can use images freepik?

Hey @jeriteam007 you can use freepik images for your template kit. You can use freepic content as a demo or example not for resell

Does not resell, assign, transfer or sublicense the content in the Freepik Content or any derived work from a content in the Freepik Content


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I have an small advice for about your language!!!
Sometime spend for your language study cause you know envato market is international platform and English is most important things.
Speaking isn’t important here! but at least read and try to understand meaning of word!! you can get use google translator that can help you to understanding word meaning.

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Many thanks, I understand this regards.

from their ‘License Agreement for Freepik Content’ I think you can’t. I found the following there:

The User shall be directly liable and the Company shall not assume any liability as a result of the use for commercial purposes by the User of any content belonging to the Freepik Content, which according to this paragraph should be for editorial use only.