99 items! What'll be my 100th?

Just got the 99th Audiojungle item approved! Most of my portfolio consists of oldschool hip hop tracks, some funk, some sound effects and the occasional corporate track. I need suggestions for the genre of my 100th track, it’s gotta be something special! I’m thinking ‘spiritual hardstyle lounge funk’, or ‘positive jungle happy death clap’ or something. What about you guys?

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I believe that it has to be something that will be “well-selling” item.


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I think spiritual hardstyle lounge funk is commercially viable enough to make tons of money!!! :wink:

How about Upbeat Future Ragtime Jazz :wink:

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Invite us some beers… :slight_smile:

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it is, as long as you call it ‘inspiring’! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I just got my 100th approved a few days ago, it’s on TF, but still, I know the feeling mate! woop woop! :smiley:

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Medieval Rock.

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I don’t know bout you but I could really go for some ‘Energetic Upbeat Inspiring Epic Indie Pop Folk Upbeat Inspiring Digital Stylish Corporate Rock’ plz!!! Blend in some ‘Stomp Clap’ and ‘Future Fashion Funk’ and I think your 100th will be a “great success”!!!

(congrats on all the approved uploads btw, no small feat!)

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