3D website generator wordpress template - Brows3D

I’ve been working on a next generation 2D- 3D overlay website generator for almost a year and a half now and would like to see if I could get any help with testing the beta. It can be used to make websites that display more like a 3D powerpoint presentation, the editor is extremely intuitive, click and slide timeline control for the animation. There is over 35K lines of PHP CSS and javascript that needs cleaning up before submission, but really need some people to use the system for final Beta stages so I can work on the final user end features people may envision.

Check it out! http://brows3d.com


The concept is good, but how to check your builder, I didn’t find any way to edit a scene, only preview screen with rocks and dragonfly.

The concept is great! But I checked it on my VR headset and it did not work ( it stays centered, does not react on head movement ).

Doesn’t have VR headset capability yet, will look at the Javascript code for tilt control. Had a lot of drama with the fact that samsung and iphone don’t have the same Gyro controls compatibility.

Avirtum: You have to sign up to the site to access the builder, it will surprise you It’s pretty decent. Send me a message if you sign up if you don’t know how to change the template from default, I can do it for you. Cheers.

It is beta, Will look into VR gyro interaction. Incompatibly with varying gyro capability on mobile devices has been painful. I deleted the code for gyro phone interaction due to this.