[WordPress] What are the most popular WordPress Form Builders?


I’m planning to port my JavaScript image cropper plugin Slim to WordPress. It will have to be incorporated into a form and as far as I know WordPress does not feature a form builder module (right?).

So I’m now looking for the most popular Form Builder products that allow plugins so I can make Slim compatible with them. I did some some Google Kung Fu but am really curious as to what builders you guys know are popular.

Any help is very much appreciated.

Anyone? Or no one? :slight_smile:

I’ve decided to go with Contact Form 7 and Gravity Forms, mainly because the other options do not allow for plugins (as far as I can tell).


You can try our product eForm https://codecanyon.net/item/eform-wordpress-form-builder/3180835

We have plugin API so you can extend and create your own form element: https://ipanelthemes.com/kb/fsqm/fsqm-api/example-making-form-elements-fsqm-pro/

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Thanks, looks great! I’ve added it to the list! :slight_smile:

3 Years Old Topic