Wordpress Theme

I’m looking for WP themes for the frontend that visually looks like WP admin themes. My WP site is only for employees, and not for public. I have come across themes like Woffice https://themeforest.net/item/woffice-intranetextranet-wordpress-theme/11671924 and Thrive https://themeforest.net/item/thrive-intranet-community-wordpress-theme/12275020. Although they have tons of features, I simply do not like the “design” / “visual”.

I’m looking for how the ‘admin themes’ for backends look, but for my frontend.
I’ve used the keyword intranet and extranet, and found maybe 6 themes.

Am I not using the right search words? Or is it that with all of the thousands of frontend themes, they simply dont create many that are design for what I am looking for?