WordPress Template Kit

I did not understand the meaning of WordPress Template Kit.
I created a demo version with one click using the One Click Demo Import plugin. And instead of demo images, I used black and white images.
Is there anything else I need to do with WordPress Template Kit?

I read this page before
Does that mean I must use the WordPress Template Kit?
I am currently using the One Click Demo Import plugin

It depends if you are trying to submit a kit or a WP theme. One click demo is only one part of the process/item

Thank you for your answer.
I want to upload a wordpress theme like porto
And demos can be inserted with one click
Do I still need a kit?

Thatā€™s different - you need to follow steps here

The one click demo is part of it but there are a lot more requirements that need to be met before you get to that

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I installed the template-kit-export plugin. The elementor plugin must be installed.
My theme is made with Visual Composer

Hello! The Template Kit export plugin is only for the creation of Elementor kits. If you are creating a WordPress theme using Visual Composer please refer to the theme guidelines here https://help.author.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000472383-WordPress-Theme-Requirements-Start-here-