Why my PSD template hard rejected in themeforest?

Hi friends,

I have submitted an Design Theme - PSD Template exclusively built for Drone Shopping E Commerce websites over themeforest for sell, but unfortunately they hard rejected it, by found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and won’t be able to re-submit this item again.

I request you all to check and analyse my template and share your findings and ideas why this got hard rejected.

Please advance

There are issues with basics throughout especially typography, hierarchy and consistency PLUS it needs more too it to be premium but as a starting point (far from a finite list of solutions) https://redpen.io/nc688e0c6715ec1208

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Thanks Charlie for your valuable comments.

I will keep in mind all your comments while designing further templates.

I request you to check and analyse my template and share your findings and ideas why this got hard rejected.

Please advance

It’s considerably better than the last one but still requires significantly more premium features and execution and to keep an eye on the basics

thx for your information, i have corrected my design according to your comments…Please have an look this corrected desgin again and let me know your comment.