Why I can't send Motion Graphics to Elements?

Hi there. My After Effects templates perfectly work with Elements. But why my motion graphics videos can’t work? I don’t see mark “permission for this item to be listed on Elements”. And what do I need for this to open access?

Are you part of Elements authors?

Yes. I’m upload my AE templates to the Elements. I want to do this with section of Motion Graphics too.

I think you must be eligible for Motion Graphics too.

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From my portfolio I have only 2 motion graphics videos. Maybe this is the reason? But in the future I want to upload more motion graphics to Videohive and Elements.

Hi @VFXGRAPHIX. Uploading access on Elements is based on the item categories that you applied for, as we check portfolios before letting people upload new content.

If you’d like to start adding Motion Graphics to Elements, you’ll need to apply to join that category. Once our team approves your application, your account will gain access to the new category.

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