Why I can't download or find some elements??

ok When I am searching for a wordpress theme I found a good one to download, but after login I can’t find it anymore?
so, is everything here is downloadable with the subscription or not some element need to purchase separately or it’s not come with the subscription?

Hi @wavers,

Envato Elements provide a subscription based service for unlimited downloads where Envato Market (like themeforest, codecanyon, graphicriver, videohive, audiojungle, photodune ) is marketplace to sell individual items. In envato market there is no subscription service.

Elements is separate than Envato Market and not all the items on Envato Market are available on Elements. Here’s the current list of All available Items in Envato Elements, just use search functionality at top to find any specific Item.

If you like, you can certainly purchase the Item license individually from Envato Market which may come with 6 months of Author support and life time free update download.


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Thank you for the clear answer.
I was searching for a theme called Kuteshop, I can find it only for PrestaShop here on Elements.
but now I know, Thanks again!