Why has my Laravel based script been rejected (hard)? Without any reason!

We have created a laravel based vehicle reservation system.

Demo of the items is here:http://sastafleet.arcoticsolutions.com/
admin login: SastaFleet | Login
username: superadmin
password: password

In this project we have set up installation and envato purchase code verification. (we have used this package arcoticsolutions/laravel-installer-with-envato - Packagist).
We have sahred the details to reviwer how reviewer can deploye the project without purchase code.

We have created installation guide document.

We made the zip file of the item, as like
Document (includes document file)
Project Fies (project files)

We have removed all the images in customer item (showed in demo).

First our item was rejected then we rebrand it completely, and now second time rejected again. It is rejected just after the sumission of 1 hr.

I think you need make UI better.

For an Item to be approved on Codecanyon

  • Item should be Unique - Bring something new to the Marketplace
  • Item should have Great Design
  • High Sales Projection - Will the script have buyers?

I believe your script doesn’t have alot of buyers that are going to buy it.