Hi to all.
I’m still having problems uploading my first song after many days trying stopping at 66% while downloading . Just wondering if Envato have a preference for browser / search engines, currently using standard google or could something else be causing the problem ( all my files have been Zipped) and my total file size is only 60mb.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
N-S- productions
Hello to all just answering my own question as my partner had a similar issue elsewhere told me to use chrome that solved my issue. Always learning ! hope this helps others
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Doesn’t matter which browser you’re using. But sometimes there are indeed some problems with uploads. You just need to wait for a while and try again. Hope this help.
You can try to upload via FTP server. https://www.google.pl/search?q=envato+ftp&oq=envato+ftp&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60l2j69i65j69i60l2.3243j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
I used it once and it worked. When browser is canceling transfer after some drops, ftp somehow keeps it uploading.
Hi RedOctopus Thanks for the reply.
Using Chrome now and all is working fine.
N-S- Productions
Hi DPmusicStudioc
Thanks for the reply. Definitely works better with Chrome works every time no hiccups.
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