What's your biggest client you've sold music to on here?

When I make a sale I always look at the invoice and google the company name (if any) to see how big they are.

Just wondering if any of you guys have had your music on a popular medium e.g. a famous youtuber or an App from the app store.

I never find a sold track :confused:

Literally the biggest, tallest?? I have a sale by a S O’Neil in Las Vegas for a Music Broadcast License (1 Million)… Could it be the ex-basketball player?



The “Enough Project” licensed one of my tracks for “The Sentry”. An initiative co-founded by George Clooney to dismantle the financing of Africa’s deadliest conflicts.

I had a film license to a Mexican production company that ended probably on mexican television.


Walt Disney last month! I hope their end product shows up on YouTube and my AdRev account, very curious to see what they used it for


Sony mail me that they will use one of my tracks for the official international AD for they brand new 4K TV.

This is the only top licence that I remember, unfortunately. :slightly_smiling:


All your clients are big, amazing. I need to find a good marketing strategy