hello. cant find how to add my webflow theme to sell. at all.
Try these links https://themeforest.net/legal/author#becoming-an-author and https://author.envato.com/join
not answer cant find
you have already joined as exclusive author. so you can upload your template in webflow category.
ThemeForest General File Preparation Guidelines
Malechhere, I am having the same issue. I actually contacted Envato and they just said to follow the upload instructions, even when I voiced some concerns. Well, there are no specific Webflow upload instructions, so I did my best. My theme has been submitted, reviewed, and successfully published to Themeforest, however, there are critical errors. The preview doesn’t work and there is no way for customers to redeem the template on Webflow. Hopefully this gets resolved since this is my first upload on Themeforest and I don’t want to receive any negative reviews.
but i saw they somehow import in dashboard. they fix it? you test?
My template still has errors and the support team is looking into a fix.
пшмиу ьу куізщтіу црут цуиадцщ шьзщке цшдд цщкл
Hi,Have you solved the problem? I meet the same problem.